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Board of Health Minutes 05/20/09
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s

Wednesday, May 20th 2009
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Katie Carroll (Chair), Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman

Also Present:   George Sourati (Sourati Engineering), Kent Healy (Healy Engineering), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying) Marina Lent (BOH Secretary)

Minutes of May 6th, 2009 approved.

Fodor (18-49.1)  George Sourati (Sourati Engineering Group) presented a minor revision to the plan approved by the Board at its meeting of 5-6-2009, (Construction Permit 09-18).  The plan remains the same, but the two-bedroom barn is now to be designated as a “single family residence” rather than detached bedrooms.  Construction Permit 09-24 was approved by the Board.

Wachsler (26-1)  George Sourati introduced a plan for a proposed four-bedroom house on a currently-vacant lot at 12 Pease’s Point Way.  The system as proposed will not require pressure lines, however, it will require a variance from the BOH Soil Absorption System (SAS)-to-wetland separation regulation; a small, isolated wetland in the middle of the lot will be 109’ from the SAS, and the regulation calls for 150’.  Goerge Sourati assured the Board that he has raised this matter with Conservation Officer Rusty Walton, who determined that the wetland does not qualify as a vernal pool under the Chilmark Wetlands Protection Bylaws.

A public hearing on the required variance will be held at the Board meeting of June 17th 2009 at 5:15pm.  On June 8th, members of the Board and Board Secretary Marina Lent will go on a site visit to view the property.

Doyle (3-60)  George Sourati presented a revision of a plan originally approved by the Board on August 1st 2007. The revision will move the system to an already-cleared area which is about 50’ further back from North Road to protect existing trees. A soil survey of 4/27/2009 shows no soil mottling, no standing water and class I soils.  The plan as proposed requires no variances.

The Board requested Marina Lent to write a letter to the abutters Dunkl to inform them of the plan revisions.

Littlefield (27.1-56)  George Sourati stated that he had received a letter dated May 7, 2009 from Wesley Brighton (Wastewater Alternatives of New England) certifying that the system is complete.  The Board’s copy of this letter is not signed.  George Sourati inspected the system and submitted an as-built plan to the Board.  The Board noted that a series of conditions had been presented to the owner for this system, one component of which is under a DEP pilot program for innovative/alternative de-nitrification systems.  The Board stated that the Certificate of Compliance cannot be issued until the Board has an Operation and Maintenance Agreement between the operator (Wastewater Alternatives) and the owner, showing that the Board’s conditions as outlined in their letter of June 21st 2006 are being met.

Healy, Allen (11—29.4)  Allen Healy would like to transfer 1 acre on the southern point of the property to Susie Zell under the affordable housing program.  The Planning Board has reviewed the subdivision plan, but the Zoning Board of Appeals has not yet designated the lot as a buildable lot.  

Kent Healy presented a well permit application and a septic disposal system construction permit to the Board for review.  The Board approved the well permit application and approved the septic disposal system construction permit conditional on receipt of a well completion report.

Fiebelman (33-67)  Kent Healy presented a plan to replace a leaching pit with a 1,500 gallon septic tank and leaching field at the property which is on the corner of State Road and Greenhouse Lane.  The plan requires a variance of the BOH regulation calling for 150’ separation between the leaching field and a bordering vegetated wetland down to 125’.  Approval of the variance does not require a public hearing since it involves an existing dwelling, no expansion of approved capacity and the system is being brought into compliance with Title 5.  The Board approved the plan and variance.

Cottle (24-181)  Kent Healy presented an upgrade to an existing septic system with cesspool. The proposed 3-bedroom system includes a 1,500 gallon tank and leaching bed.  The system, which will be located in the inland zone of the Coastal District, meets the 300’ SAS-to-SAS separation requirement.  It is 200’ from the pond, groundwater is at 8 ½ feet, and the existing cesspool will be filled and abandoned.  The Board approved the disposal system construction permit.

Fifield (18-108)  Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying) presented a Disposal System Construction permit for a proposed 3-bedroom dwelling on South Road.  There is already an existing well on the property. The well completion report was received by the Board on 10/21/2005.  The proposed disposal system will not require variances.  The Board approved the proposal put forward by Vineyard Land Surveying.

Homeport (27.1-85)  Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying) reported that, upon beginning-of-season pump-out, it was discovered that the galvanized pipe within the aeration chamber had rotted out and needs to be replaced.  Reid Silva presented his plans for accomplishing this with a trench to avoid having to tear up the entire parking lot.

Krause (29-23)  Marina Lent reported on the operation and maintenance visit of Jay Quin (JB Systems) to service the Bio-Clere system on the Krause property.  The operator had been made aware of the Board’s interest in the septic system.  He assured the Board that future operation and maintenance reports would be promptly forwarded to the Board.

Hilman (11-45)   A subdivision plan for Nab’s Corner is before the Planning Board.  The Board requested that Marina Lent review the proposed subdivision with Planning Board staff and engineer Reid Silva for discussion by the Board at its next meeting.

Walsh (25-11)  The Board had before it correspondence from BOH Town Counsel Michael Goldsmith, who noted that, in order for the property to be sold, a certificate of compliance from the Board of Health will be required.  He felt it to be unlikely that a buyer would close on a sale without the litigation between Walsh and the Board being resolved, as the buyer would otherwise be the party to the litigation.

Poole (27.1-109)  The Board reviewed the file on the Poole property at Basin Road. The septic system for the property appears to have been built in 1960, but neither construction permit nor system plan is on file.  The system was repaired in 1983 and 1986. Construction permits for the repairs are on file but are not accompanied by detailed plans.  There is no inspection report on file with the Board. The Board noted that a letter from Everett Poole dated 21 April 2008 indicates that he does not have a plan for the system either. The system services multiple users, including the Menemsha Café, an apartment above it that currently has one occupant, and a store in the same building. The Board asked Marina Lent to research allowable maximum gallon-per-day use for the septic system, and to write a letter to Everett Poole outlining the Board’s concerns.

Middle Line Road rental units (13-43.2)  Mike Renahan reported on the ongoing work at the Town’s Middle Line Road housing project.  He noted that the well-hole for one of the three rental units on the lot in question was dry.  Further engineering welll-driller and engineer will be needed to come up with a site that would be   Well will be on the same lot but will be A separate well for this rental unit will be drilled in proximity to another rental unit on the same lot.

Street (14-19.1A and B)  The Board approved a well permit application after numbering on the well permit application was corrected and after it was explained that a new well on Lot 19.1A was needed to replace an existing, poorly-functioning well.

Lamstein (26-119)  The Board approved a well permit application submitted by Island Water Source contingent on receipt of a plot plan.

Septage Pump-Outs  The Board reviewed and approved a draft letter to all permitted Septage Haulers, outlining State and Board requirements for possession of a valid pumpout permit when transporting septage.  The Board also discussed the question of advance purchase of multiple permits by large, commercial operations using a tight-tank system.  Mike Renahan noted that Jay’s Septic (who has not yet gotten a Hauler’s Permit from the BOH for 2009) was pumping out the Chilmark Tavern system.  Mike Renahan spoke to Frank LoRusso (owner, Chilmark Tavern) about this matter.  Frank had three permits in his possession from last season.  Mike Renahan emphasized that the BOH requires a septic hauler to be permitted by the Town on an annual basis, and also requires the hauler to have a BOH pumpout permit for each load of septage pumped in Chilmark.  

Marina Lent was requested to draft a letter to Frank LoRusso (Chilmark Tavern) and Frank and Barbara Fenner (The Menemsha Galley) regarding the BOH arrangements for advance purchase of a limited number of pumpout permits for use during the current season.

Chapman, Cole and Gleason  the Board signed a letter to Chapman, Cole and Gleason informing them of the recent appointment of Marina Lent and Jessica Bradlee (Chilmark Town Clerk) as Burial Agents for the Board.  The Board instructed Marina Lent to meet with CC&G to review the burial permit procedure and take possession of the burial permit book.

Katie Carroll left the meeting.

Board of Health Regulation Revision  The Board approved draft Section 5 on Camping, and draft Section 8 on the Transportation, Cremation, Burial, Entombment or Exhumation of Human Remains as drafted.

Section 3.03, Location and Separations, relating to On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, was reviewed by the Board.  A revised draft will be reviewed at the Board’s next meeting.

Invoices  The following invoices were approved for payment:

·       VNA nursing visits $403.75
·       MVRD 4th Quarter drop-off contract payment $6,641.62

Menemsha Porta-Pottie  An invoice for $ 60.00  from Araujo Bros for additional potty-cleaning will be forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Commission.  The Board noted that the porta-potty at the Comfort Station has been kept on-site beyond April 30th, for which the Board has no available funding.  The Board asked Marina Lent to discuss with Tim Carroll how the additional costs can be paid for, and to check with Kent Healy whether the porta-potty will be needed during the planned upgrade of the Comfort Station septic system this month, and then to call Araujo Bros. and have the porta-potty removed.

The meeting adjourned at 7pm.

_______________________         _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.